Lessons learned, operations changed.

Originally created 3-20-2016

When I was younger, bravado conquered brains and macho ruled the land.  If we caught a fire at work, smoke stained boogers were a point of pride. It meant that you were working in a place that few people experienced. We would return to the station, hit the recliners and talk about what we did and how to improve. Maybe even shower before the next morning. Maybe.

Now, the science tells us how wrong we were. We are learning what is really killing us and turning us into statistics, instead of happily retired fat guys. Now, if I have black boogers, I know I made a terrible mistake and should have been more careful with my respiratory protection. So, today's post fire prescription is a shower, then get to the gym and sweat it out. More and more fire departments are installing smoke detox units AKA saunas, for this exact reason, get the toxins out. For now, a 78 degree room, sweats and a step mill will do.

A little discomfort now, for a long life later.