Tactical Athlete Radio podcast appearance

About six months before the start of 4th Shift Fitness, I was asked to do an interview with a company called Tactical Athlete Radio.  The founder of the company had just retired from the Marines after a full career and had transitioned in to discussing the tactical athlete community including police, fire, and his bread and butter military.  The purpose of my appearance was to outline my feelings on firefighters who perform workouts while wearing their full protective gear.  We also hit on Raph Ruiz and his methods in the HERO Initiative and how it all came together with Curt at LGN.  Overall, there were only a couple cringe worthy moments but it was a great time and I learned a lot for next time, hopefully.

If you enjoy working out in gear have an open mind, please check it out.  If it's your way or the highway, please save yourself the trouble and me the fun of receiving hate mail.

The podcast is available on iTunes and Stitcher.  Episode 25.

Be prepared,
